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As we begin the new year, it's only natural to feel the need to hit the reset button. The holidays were full of year-end deadlines, late nights, celebratory sipping and eating, and broken exercise routines...

Before we closed the KPI studio for a much-needed Christmas break, we outlined what the KPI 2022 year would look like with places we want to visit, new events to participate in, and new ideas that we want to implement. We of course rounded out our weekly project to-do list so we could hit the ground running upon the new year's return. Having hit the reset button on Monday, we returned by welcoming Brianna Nelson to Team KPI as our Social Media Manager. We are in planning mode for three installations taking place in the Spring of 2022 - all of which have seen multiple year-long delays due to Covid. We have new projects on the boards to look forward to on Nantucket, in Cambridge, Woods Hole, and two projects in Brookline, MA.
While the pandemic is still causing chaos in daily life, it has taught us the importance of time and how quickly it passes. I hope you feel refreshed and ready to make 2022 your best year yet. So plan that trip with friends and loved ones, take that class you never made time for, start that side hustle you keep putting off...

You are the "director of your movie", " the author of your book " seize the year and make it memorable! Wishing all of our clients, vendors, and industry partners a prosperous and healthy 2022.





 17 ARLINGTON STREET #4 |   BOSTON, MA 02116   |   617.491.9000

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